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Stephen Colbert Chats With Neil deGrasse Tyson About New Pluto Information

The new pictures and information that NASA has gathered on Pluto over the past week from the New Horizons probe have been all the rage on the internet, and Stephen Colbert has set out to discuss this topic with none other than Neil deGrasse Tyson. Stephen’s reason to reach out to Neil isn’t just because he is the coolest man in the science game, but because good ol’ NdT was one of the biggest supporters of demoting Pluto to Dwarf Planet status a few years ago.This new information from NASA’s probe has now called that decision into question.


[Image: NASA]

The discussion begins with Colbert looking to see Neil change his stance on Pluto with the newest information about Pluto being bigger than we had thought a few years ago. Tyson, however, explains that the 20-30km increase in Pluto’s estimated size is in no way big enough to truly change the decision on Pluto’s status as a Dwarf Planet. What he is excited about, like so many others, is finally having the first detailed images of the planet ever, and knowing that even more high resolution pictures will be coming in from day-to-day over the next year. Check out the whole video and see if Colbert can get Neil to finally admit that Pluto should be a planet. SPOILER: He doesn’t.

They do, however, enjoy a delicious snack and have a nice chat about Neil’s planetary rating system– also known as his tie– and the the relative perspective of what is or is not a “dwarf” planet based on who is the one measuring. It is interesting to think of how life on Jupiter would be quick to consider Earth a dwarf planet based on the standard Earth’s scientists use against Pluto. The real take away, though, seems to be that Tang is disgusting and no one should drink it.

Have thoughts on the new Pluto pictures and info? What about thoughts on the powdered drink mix Tang? Let us know in the comments below!

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