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STAR WARS Heroes Posing with Kitty Companions

It’s no secret that I have an affinity for Star Wars. Affinity, obsession–whatever. I’m also a crazy cat lady in training. Given those passions, I almost fell off my chair when I first saw this series of portraits featuring Star Wars characters and cats by Griz and Norm.

The husband and wife couple, Griselda Sastrawinata-Lemay and Normand Lemay, both work at the Walt Disney Animation Studio as feature animation artists, and they doodle all kinds of art in their free time. Star Wars: The Force Awakens inspired them to make several new pieces of art, but these imaginings of what Star Wars characters’ cats would look like take the cake, and the pie, and every other dessert.

Each of the felines looks a little bit like their respective owners. Rey’s Bengal cat sort of reminds me of one of the Loth-cats on Star Wars Rebels (yes, there are actually cats in the Star Wars canon). Who can I petition to get Rey a kitty sidekick in Episode VIII?

It is the most adorable touch for Artoo’s cat to be wearing a blue bow tie. I’m imagining the two of them talking with beeps and meows because obviously the cat would know how to interpret droid language.

See Padmé, Leia, and BB-8 with their kittehs in the gallery below. You can keep up with the latest from Griz and Norm on Instagram and Tumblr and be sure to stop by their website to view their portfolios.

Which Star Wars cat-character combination is your favorite? Tell me in the comments. It’s okay if you pick all of them.

HT: Bored Panda
IMAGES: Griz and Norm


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