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Petchup and Meowstard: Condiments For Pets

You love your pet, don’t you? More than most of your friends? Definitely more than your family. So why would you feed him or her dry, boring, detestable kibble? Our furry friends deserve more. They deserve savory, delicious food topped with a hefty dose of condiments, just like their human counterparts would eat.

At last, you can give your dogs and cats all the tasty, nutritious condiments they deserve in the form of Petchup. The new line of condiments offers up four pun-tastic flavors to please your pooch: beef-flavored Petchup, salmon-flavored Muttstard, pork Bark-B-Q sauce, and turkey flavored Mutt-N-Naise.

For some reason, feline BFFs get the shaft and are only offered up two options: salmon-flavored Catchup and a turkey flavored Meowstard. Cats are probably too busy figuring out their meals’ optimal wine-pairings to care, though.

Petchup affirms that it’s made with natural grade ingredients, and includes a healthy portion of vitamins, minerals, glucosamine, and omegas to your pet’s daily diet. You can even sprinkle some Petchup into your dog or cat’s water dish to make animal hydration a little heartier.

These pet condiments bring an air of civility to mealtime as they “add taste and interest to any food.” And while I’m all for making my cat’s dinners a little more sophisticated, if I walk into the kitchen to find Sir-Meows-A-Lot Instagramming his fries and Meowstard, I might just lose my mind.

Would you buy Petchup for your pet? Let us know in the comments and tag @nerdist and @justjennrecipes on instagram so we can see photos of your furry friends.

image: Petchup
H/T: Laughing Squid

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