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STAR WARS: EPISODE VII Cast Officially Announced (Finally)

With reports flying about Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher being in London, it was only a matter of time before Lucasfilm dropped the announcement about the cast for Episode VII. Though many fans were expecting them to wait until May the 4th, the official reveal hit the web today with a photo from a table read for the new film. Are you ready for the line up? If you had bets going for which rumors were true, get your credits ready!

Here’s who we’ll see in the next Star Wars film:
“Actors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker.”

The fact that the original trilogy’s stars are returning isn’t the biggest surprise– Andy Serkis caught me out of nowhere. I hope he plays the villain, and I hope he gets a break from donning a motion capture suit. The choice of actors seems solid, but I’ll admit I’m disappointed that only one other female was added to the main cast. Come on, Star Wars. Catch up with the times.

What’s J.J. Abrams statement about the casting? I’m glad you asked. From the news release: “We are so excited to finally share the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life, once again. We start shooting in a couple of weeks, and everyone is doing their best to make the fans proud.”

How do you feel about the casting choices? Let us know in the comments!


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  1. this is going to be one of the biggest bombs ever…luke 50, leia 60, an han solo 70??? get real people…its a bad reunion

  2. Shifty says:

    They’ve already said the movie won’t be based off any novels that have been written (I can’t find the interview where they said this now) it will be a new storyline based of Lucas’ original ideas of a 9 movie series.

    Thankfully Lucas is now not in control of the franchise as the prequel trilogy and constant tinkering of the disk releases show that he has no interest in what the fan think of as cannon.

    Also JJ Abrahams, great director if someone can tell him not to use effing lens flare effect every 2nd shot especially when there’s no goddamn light source for their to be a lens flare from.

    That being said super excited and praying not for another prequel repeat.

  3. Sean says:

    They can’t bring back Chewy, in the time frame they are placing the movie in chewbaca is dead. I really hope they keep this movie within the real Star Wars story line. I will be dissapointed if it is a “we made up beacause we don’t care about any previous written material” kind of movie. I could go on and on…lol.

  4. Dave says:

    I’m excited to see what Daisy Ridley can do, especially trying to figure out what character she is. A while ago I took a CPR class and DL’d an app to stay fresh, it’s this cool live action thing and Daisy Ridley is an actress in it! I knew I recognized her from somewhere…

  5. Ted says:

    Andy Serkis is the most experienced mo-cap actor in the world. Of course he will be an animated character. Why else hire him?

  6. By adding an actor named Andy Serkis you may very possibly have hit the jackpot ! It just so happens that Harrison Ford was always my favorite actor through this and the Indiana Jones saga and i was so utterly thrilled to hear that the old crew would rejoin, but Mister Serkis ? now im tingling with anticipation !
    The same hope goes into Michael Fassbender when he gets his turn
    Luckily a movie director i had never heard of until he did his first Star Trek is now at the wheel and since that work i am at ease that he will get it right. In JJ Abrams we trust !

  7. I cannot begin to say how excited I am about this new Star Wars saga. The fact that all of the original cast members will be involved shows how Lucas really cares about keeping this movie so true to life. Star Wars is such an important part of Americana. We all grew up knowing this story line with its characters. I love the fact that Carrie Fisher will be able to return in a working role, considering the events which happened in real life after her Original Star Wars filming

  8. Leafstalker says:

    There are a ton of events between the movies and the Yuuzhan Vong story line. Even though if the age of the cast is right, and Andy Serkis could mocap Vergere I highly doubt there first movie would be so alien. From a book stand point the best we can hope for is a butchered Thrawn story.

    That being said I hope the they don’t follow any of the expanded universe. Let them both be there own, and give us something new…

  9. SuperScotty says:

    I know they said “no EU adduptations” but I really hope they keep some continuity with the… Oh, 150 plus novels and hundreds Comics. And the events in them. Like some Characters dying… Chewbacca. Oh yeah, SPOILER ALERT
    don’t get mad at me it happened in 1996. 18 years ago. in the book “Vector Prime” while trying to save Anakin Solo, Han and Leia’s son. In some way it’s Chewie repaying Han for his Life Debt. Did I mention a moon crashes on him?…
    Anyways, Anakin Solo ends up dying in a later book… oh yeah, spoiler alert

  10. Brodie Popple says:

    I’m so chuffed to see Domhnall Gleeson get a role in such a legendary saga! I’ve followed his work over the years and he’s a fantastic actor. How great is this cast

  11. the dude says:

    Needs more Billy Dee Williams! I have a feeling that even though he isn’t listed in this cast (which just seems to be the central cast anyway), we haven’t seen the last Lando the Mando!

  12. Chrs says:

    Apparently you have not wandered through the toy aisles at your local supermarket, or visited any Comicons, or been on any of the several thousand Facebook pages, or read any of the books still being written, or seen any the current games that are highly popular. So to answer your question, no, we 20 something Star Wars geeks really dont care about Star Wars at all.