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Spider-Man Gets a Samurai Makeover From Tamashii Nations

Samurai, samurai

Bakufu-livin’ soldier guy

Masterless, they’re called ronin

Grappling-hook swingin’ skills they’re honin’

Look out–it’s Spider-Samurai!

If you remember the Marvel figures of the ’90s, it’s understandable that you might hear “Samurai Spider-Man” and think, damn, Hasbro, enough with the non-canonical variants already! But this is different: Bandai’s premiere collectible brand Tamashii Nations, who already gave Star Wars characters a feudal Japanese makeover, are expanding the style to comic-book characters. Yes, as the official press release has it, this is only the first in a line of “famous superheroes starting with the release of the Samurai Spider-Man.” Just spitballing here, but Tony Stark would seem to offer endless possibilities for a future figure.

Leave it to top sculptor and designer Takayuki Takeya to take Spider-Man back to Feudal Japan in full, web-like Samurai warrior armor. True to the feudal spirit, Samurai Spider-Man’s ninja kaginawa-style grappling web hook is crafted as chain-like firing mechanism. Like the preceding Meisho Movie Realization products before it, Samurai Spider-Man is crafted with semi-soft materials that allow for superior articulations and dynamic posing. Set includes interchangeable hands (x3), Japanese katana set, and kaginawa web hook set (left and right wrist parts).

The 7-inch figure comes at a price: $91.99, to be precise, which might mean you have to sell a couple photos to J. Jonah Jameson first. But there’s time–he won’t be swinging in to your friendly neighborhood retailer until August or thereabouts. Meanwhile, check out our gallery of images below.

Who would you like to see next in samurai form? Would they do Captain America, or could he be reimagined as Captain Japan? These are the things we think about…and would like to know your thoughts on, in comments below.

What does Zendaya’s casting mean for Sony’s next Spider-Man movie?

Images: Bluefin




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