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Sorry Nintendo Fans, Bowsette Is Not Canon

Bowsette took the web by storm after a new item was announced for the Switch version of Super Mario Bros. U, when worn the magical crown would transform Toadette into a pretty in pink character named Peach-ette. Suddenly it was a free for all as fans reimagined all of the Mario roster wearing the crown, but it was when Bowser first put on the crown in Ayyk92’s comic that fans really found their new queen: Bowsette. The sexy, horned, and leather clad mashup of Princess Peach and Bowser inspired a lot of very NSFW fan art and garnered a fervent following of folks hoping they might see her on their screens when the game hit.

Well, we hate to be the bearers of bad news Nintendo lovers but it looks like the internet’s favorite sexy gender swapped big bad will not be inducted into the hallowed halls of official canon anytime soon. Yep, according to eagle eyed gamers it seems like the Super Crown which inspired Bowsette’s creation and internet fame can only be worn by Toadette. In this episode of Nerdist News Dan Casey investigates just how and why we lost the chance to play as the sexiest fan created character in recent memory.

It’s a devastating development though we can understand why the oft naked BDSM inspired take on the character might have made the idea of Bowsette a little harder to swallow for the notoriously family focused folks over at Nintendo. Guess we’ll just have to keep Bowsette alive in our hearts, minds, and web browsers until justice is done and the Super Crown can be worn by all.

Additional reporting by Jesse B. Gill, Kristian Odland, and Dan Casey



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