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BATMAN and THE FLASH Will Watch the WATCHMEN In New Crossover Storyline

BATMAN and THE FLASH Will Watch the WATCHMEN In New Crossover Storyline

The era of DC Rebirth began with the implication that the characters from Alan Moore‘s Watchmen existed in the realm of DC’s multiverse, and that one of the main characters from that classic story may have actually been responsible for the New 52. And somehow, the Comedian’s bloody button ended up in the Batcave wall. While we may have to wait for Geoff Johns’ comic book return for resolution to this plot, Batman and the Flash are taking matters into their own hands.

DC has revealed that the Batman and The Flash ongoing series are launching a four-part crossover storyline in April called “The Button.” According to DC’s description, “the two greatest detectives in the DC Universe unite to unravel the mystery behind a certain blood stained smiley face button stuck in the Batcave wall. However, what begins as a simple investigation soon turns deadly when the secrets of the button prove irresistible to an unwelcome third party, and it’s not who anyone suspects. This is a mystery woven throughout time, and the countdown starts here!”


There’s something everyone should consider about the button: neither Batman nor the Flash have any idea what it’s real significance is. The Comedian’s logo looks just like a smiley face to them, and they’re more interested in figuring out how it came to be in the Batcave. Since Doctor Manhattan has apparently been responsible for the changes in their history, he’s got to be considered the main suspect. However, it seems just as equally possible that the button was left by someone else who meant for Batman to find it. The question now is who would do that and why? Perhaps Doctor Manhattan isn’t the only God-like being playing games with the lives of the DC heroes.

“The Button” will run through Batman #21 & #22 and The Flash #21 & #22. Tom King and artist Jason Fabok will handle the Batman issues, while Joshua Williamson and artist Howard Porter will be the creative team on The Flash‘s contribution to the crossover. Each issue of the crossover will also have “special lenticular covers.”


Are you excited to see more of the Watchmen characters in the DC Universe? Let us know in the comment section below!

Image: DC Comics

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