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Sex Pistol Steve Jones Musically Recaps Season 3 of GAME OF THRONES

For all its flouncing of traditional narrative expectations and its flexible fantasy rules, Game Of Thrones has always been a little punk rock. That is why we asked kindred spirit/punk godfather Steve Jones to don his finest royal garb, pick up an acoustic guitar, and recap our favorite HBO show season by season in a mini-series called Game Of Jones.

If you have been following our previous episodes of Games Of Jones, then you know you are in for some salty language, but would you really expect anything less from the 59-year-old punk vet. For his season 3 recap, which we mentioned briefly at Wondercon, Jonesy has a lot of ground to cover. Spanning the events of the Red Wedding, Theon’s capture, and many other grave shenanigans, this video almost exclusively spoiler-ridden. But for shame if you have not caught up yet–Jonesy would have a few choice words for you, I am sure.

Are you looking forward to Game of Thrones season 5? Let us know in the comments below.

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