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Serve Your Own Test Tube Fizzy Drinks For Halloween!

This is it, Halloween is right around the corner and it’s time to finalize those spooky eats and treats. Anyone can cook up party food, so why not level up your party by serving refreshments in a memorable way?

These non-alcoholic fizzy drinks are sweet shots of fun served in test tubes, and the oozy separated colors make them stand out even more. These deadly delights will make a killer display on your buffet table this Nerdoween!

Test Tube Fizz Recipe-10102015

Test Tube Fizz

You’ll need:

  • 6 clean test tubes
  • Funnel


  • 1 cup lemonade, frozen
  • 1/2 cup sparkling water
  • 1/2 cup cranberry juice

In a small container stir together the sparkling water and cranberry juice. Set aside.

Freeze the lemonade to a slushy consistency, then pour through the funnel, filling halfway up into the test tubes.

With the help of the funnel, pour the cranberry mixture into the test tubes right on top of the frozen lemonade. Serve immediately.

Images: Jenn Fujikawa

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