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Movie Morsels: Will We See Captain Marvel in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON?

As R. Kelly once said, “It’s the freakin’ weekend, baby / I’m about to have me some fun.” Unfortunately, before you have you some fun, you have to make it through the work day, but fortunately for you, Movie Morsels is here to help. Today, there’s an awful lot to talk about. Is there a chance we could see Captain Marvel in Avengers: Age of Ultron? Who will be playing Doctor Strange? How would New York City react to an actual Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man attack? You can find out the answers to all of this below.

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Warning: Some minor spoilers for Avengers: Age of Ultron are ahead. 

One of the best parts of the Avengers is that it’s constantly changing its cast of characters to include the best and brightest in the Marvel Universe. So it goes, at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America will put together a team of superheroes that includes some familiar faces and introduces some new ones too. It’s a bold move for Marvel, changing up the characters that the world has come to know and love, but one that needs to happen to keep the franchise fresh. One of those fresh faces is going to be Captain Marvel, who is reportedly going to make a cameo at the end of the film, and will become a bigger part of the action in Phase Three.

Dropping Captain Marvel in mid-way a la Hawkeye in Thor would be potentially distracting, so it’s more than likely that, if she appears at all, it will be during the end credits tag. Remember the end of The Winter Soldier? I’m thinking it’ll be a cool tease in that vein. Couple that with the fact that Captain America 3 will begin filming next year in Atlanta, and Feige could easily sandwich a bonus Avengers 2 shoot within that schedule, and it’s looking likelier and likelier that we may just see Carol Danvers sometime in 2015. [Badass Digest]

Doctor Strange


After a summer full of casting rumors that named everyone from Jack Huston to Benedict Cumberbatch to Howard the Duck (okay, maybe not that last one), it’s looking Joaquin Phoenix will be donning the red cape to play Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme in Doctor Strange.

Gone Girl


There are new images from David Finch’s highly anticipated Gone Girl. The adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s bestselling novel tells the story of Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) and Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike), and what happens after Nick winds up in the spotlight after Amy disappears. [Empire]


Hey, did you love Michael Scott on The Office? Well, John du Pont is nothing like him! Except for the fact that they’re both played by Steve Carell. The point is that Foxcatcher looks incredible, and Carell is pretty unnerving in this brand new trailer for the Bennett Miller-directed thriller. [ScreenCrush]

Seventh Son

Jeff Bridges with a sword. Need I say more? Seventh Son, director Sergei Bodrov’s adaptation of Joseph Delaney’s fantasy novel The Spook’s Apprentice is now coming out in February 2015. Starring Ben Barnes, Jeff Goldblum, and Julianne Moore, the film got a new trailer and slew of new images that you’ll definitely want to see.


A man, a plan, a bottle of vodka: Harmontown. The documentary about Community creator Dan Harmon and his long-running podcast got a new trailer. Director Neil Berkley’s film chronicles the period after which he was fired from Community and toured across the country, taking his Harmontown live show on the road, and features guests like Ben Stiller, Sarah Silverman, our own Chris Hardwick, as well as Community stars like Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, and Alison Brie. [Variety]

Pixar’s Lava

Better a happy volcano than an angry volcano! We got our first look at Pixar’s singing volcano short, Lava, which centers on our hero, a three mile wide Hawaiian volcano named Uku. The James Ford Murphy-directed short will run ahead of Inside Out in June 2015.  [Yahoo]


No, still no Ghostbusters 3 rumors. I know that bustin’ makes you feel good, but good things come to those who wait, so keep waiting. What we do need is a realistic risk visualization of how New York City would respond to a Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man attack in real life. Fortunately, YouTube’s Cubed Cities was up to the challenge. [Gizmodo]

The Guest

I don’t think we’re at Downton Abbey anymore. You’re Next director Simon Barratt’s action-horror film The Guest gets a brand new clip and it’s Dan Stevens going straight up Roadhouse on some violent teens. [Vulture]

Bill Hader’s Top 200 comedy movies

Need a laugh? Bill Hader has you covered. The SNL vet contributed a list of “200 Essential Movies Every Comedy Writer Should See” in the book Poking a Dead Frog: Conversations with Today’s Top Comedy Writers. Good thing it’s a long weekend! [Slashfilm]

Marvel Studios Has a Trippy Vision for the DR. STRANGE Movie

Marvel Studios Has a Trippy Vision for the DR. STRANGE Movie

After SPECTRE, Sam Mendes Is Done With JAMES BOND Movies

After SPECTRE, Sam Mendes Is Done With JAMES BOND Movies

Ian McShane Is Ready to Reprise His DEADWOOD Role

Ian McShane Is Ready to Reprise His DEADWOOD Role



  1. Sean says:

    It’s not his favorite comedies, it’s 200 movies every comedy writer should see. Some of them are more like reference points for pop culture. I don’t want some conservative group seeing this and thinking they got him nailed. “Lolita is one of his favorite comedies. What’s so funny about sex with underage girls, Mr. Hader?! Blah Blah Hollywood Values Blah.”

  2. rabartraga says:

    just as Leonard answered I am taken by surprise that a single mom can make $7907 in a few weeks on the internet . check my source———–

  3. Stacey says:

    Jeff Bridges….Jeff Goldblum is too cool for these kinds of movies.