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SANTA CLARITA DIET Trailer Has Drew Barrymore Going Full Zombie

Well, this trailer certainly took a turn early on that we were not expecting and, frankly, we could not be happier. Netflix’s new series Santa Clarita Diet isn’t just about the quirks of suburban life after all, as this early look at the show reveals that star Drew Barrymore is undead and loving it.

Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant play realtors Sheila and Joel Hammond who, after a bout of zombification, have to deal with the trials and tribulations that come with their new “lives.” That the pair seem more interested in keeping up normal appearances of suburban life than with dealing with the concept of, you know, being dead. Joel is apparently on board with helping his wife survive and thrive with her new condition, clearly going above and beyond the whole “’til death do us part” aspect of their wedding vows.

We’re excited for another comedic take on the zombie mythos, as they always seem to work better than the serious ones. The undeniable success that has been The Walking Dead notwithstanding, it seems audiences respond more to the “monsters exist but we’re dealing with it” Buffy-esque scenarios in shows like iZombie and Z Nation while not putting too much effort into the “zombies are real and it’s a huge burden” tone of shows like In the Flesh and even Being Human.

What surprises us most is the trailer’s gung-ho attitude about gore. Knowing Netflix rarely gives away their best footage in trailers, we can’t imagine what the series has in store of us on February 3rd when it begins streaming.

What are your thoughts on the Santa Clarita Diet? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Featured Image: Netflix

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