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RICK AND MORTY Fans Are Overreacting To the MY LITTLE PONY Cameo

Rick and Morty fans are currently living in a world where the fourth season appears to be very far away, and the closest thing we’ve seen to a new episode was an April Fool’s Day prank. That was the last time the titular duo appeared until a recent episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Sharp-eyed fans spotted equestrian incarnations of Rick and Morty hanging around in the background, and the hardcore Rickies are going out of their *BURP*in’ minds. Today’s Nerdist News isn’t just for the Bronies as we explain why Rick and Morty‘s fandom has overreacted. Again.

Join guest host Amy “Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub” Vorpahl, as she walks us through some of the fiery hot takes on Rick and Morty‘s cameo appearance. The most vocal detractors seem to be offended at the very idea of their beloved cartoon icons getting the MLP treatment, and they’re hoofing mad!

Oh yeah, they’re really squanching over this one as if My Little Pony doesn’t have a long history of throwing in fun cameos like this. Did anyone see the Whovians freaking out when Doctor Whooves appeared in the background? Even within the context of Rick and Morty itself, the multiverse is real and we’ve met dozens of different Ricks and many Morty variants. If Cronenberg Rick and Morty exist, then shouldn’t Pony Rick and Morty as well?

No less than Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon has said everyone’s theories about the show are true until they aren’t. So as far as we’re concerned, Pony Rick and Morty are the official crossover between the two shows. Only a fourth season of Rick and Morty can prove us wrong!

What do you think about the MLP/Rick and Morty cameo? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Adult Swim/Hasbro Studios

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