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Every STAR WARS Film Summed up in a Surprisingly Concise Video Recap

There may come a time in your life when you come face to face with a downright mythical creature. You’ll be going about your day as normal and then this ever-so-rare person will walk into your life and shake you to your core with one simple phrase, “Oh, I’ve never seen any Star Wars movie.” Your incredulity for that combination of words will then only be matched with how difficult it’ll be to get that person to actually watch all seven Star Wars films. But there might be hope with this new video that recaps the saga so far. It’ll catch them up and maybe even entice them to plan a movie marathon.

This stellar sum-up of the Star Wars saga comes to us via a recent post on Laughing Squid. The internet is chock-full of all manner of summaries about the films but YouTuber Tom F did something really interesting with his. Instead of serializing the clips, plot points, and major action of each film, this recap acts more like a preview to the Star Wars world overall rather than an episode guide.

It doesn’t give too much away in terms of plot which seems perfect for those human unicorns who’ve never seen the movies. They likely already know the Darth Vader voice, the twist of parentage, and what light sabers are so this video acts as a perfect teaser to the drama that they’ve missed in the last 40 years of Star Wars films.

What do you think of this recap? What other film franchises need this treatment? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Star Wars | Disney

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