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R. Kelly’s TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET Has 40 More Chapters on the Way

Remember R. Kelly’s “hip-hopera” Trapped in the Closet, the 33-part series that features a wacky cast of characters getting involved in some serious drama? Either way, we have great news for you.

If you’ve never heard of Trapped in the Closet, the good news is that it exists and you can probably get caught up on YouTube. The story is about a one-night stand that triggers a series of ridiculous events that finds R. Kelly, well, trapped in a closet. The series began in 2005 and was last updated in 2012, but what you need to know is that all 33 installments are part of one long song that very rarely makes any changes to the instrumentation, but always features ridiculous lyrics and plot points that you know only exist because of a rhyme–why else would Kelly devote part of the story to “Bridget” having sex with a “midget?”

If you’re already up to speed, you’ll be pleased that 40 more chapters are on the way, and it might not be too long until we get to see them. In an interview with Complex, Kelly said all that’s left for the new chapters is filming:

“According to Kelly, forty more chapters have already been written and recorded. They just need to be shot. He spoke a little bit about how chapter 34 will take place on the ‘out the closet’ TV show he teased in chapter 33 and says that everyone from the entire series will make appearances on the Jerry Springer-like fictional show.”

Check out the first installment of “Trapped in the Closet” below.


HT: Uproxx

Featured image courtesy of R. Kelly

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