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Twitch Is Streaming Hundreds of POKÉMON Episodes Over the Next Few Months

The Pokémon anime has been on the air since 1997, and since then, over a thousand episodes have aired across its different seasons. That is many episodes. For reference, The Simpsons, which is always breaking longevity records, is hovering at around 600 episodes aired right now. It would take a long time to watch all of those Pokémon episodes in a marathon viewing, but darn it, Twitch is going for it. The site is set to start streaming the first 932 episodes of the series, as well as all of the Pokémon movies, and the binge watch is going to run into 2019 (via Kotaku).

It’s coming right up, too. Beginning on August 27 at 1PM ET, the Twitch Presents channel will begin with the very first episode, where Ash meets his Pikachu–they don’t exactly have the friendliest of starts. After that, eight hours of new episodes will air from Monday to Thursday, re-runs will air on Friday and Saturday, and movies will air on Sundays.

Aside from the joy of watching Pokémon, there’s a gamified incentive to tuning in: there will be an overlay called Pokémon Badge Collector, in which you click Pokémon icons on the screen as they appear in the episode, and you can try to fill your Pokédex as much as possible. If you’re trying to truly catch ’em all, now might be a good time to start capitalizing on those sick days at work.

Are you going to watch? What’s your favorite Pokémon episode (or movie) of all time? Let us know what you think down in the comments!

Featured Image: The Pokémon Company

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