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Please Enjoy The Dulcet Tones of Tom Hiddleston Singing as Captain Hook

We thought you might enjoy this little video of Tom Hiddleston as the voice of Captain Hook in the upcoming DVD release of The Pirate Fairy singing “The Frigate That Flies.”

He’s quite a good voice match for the original Hook – Hans Conried. Hiddleston sounds exactly like you imagine Hook would sound as a young man.

Ah, you see, the evil Captain Hook and the Norse Supervillan Loki didn’t come out of thin air – Hiddleston told Nerdist at last year’s D32 expo that he’ll “never forget Shere Khan.”

The Pirate Fairy arrives on Blu-ray and Digital DVD on April 1st.

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  1. Walter says:

    Isn’t this the premise for the movie Max Landis pitched on the podcast?

  2. Rachel says:

    God Damnit Hiddleston!

  3. Victoria says:

    At 55 seconds into the vid, you will see the baddie from ‘Tangled’ standing behind hook. He was the one who wanted to be a pianist in that song ‘I have a dream.’