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Omgiri’s Disney Bentos are OMG

Back in the playground days when you sat down to eat and opened your lunchbox, it was a Russian Roulette of what you might find. There would be inevitable jealousy for what the person next to you had and maybe even some trading involved.

Now bento makers have found their home on Instagram. Followers get to see the lunches that people are making for their kids (or themselves) and allow a peek into world of some of the most creative food artists on the internet.

Omgiri’s instagram is the go to place for Disney food fanatics. He’s able to capture Disney characters distinct personalities perfectly with just rice, seaweed and a few other ingredients. One of my favorites is his Wampa and Luke Skywalker bento.

I spoke with Omgiri to get an idea of his creative process, his favorite characters and to generally bond over our mutal love for all things Disney. He dreams of having a bento stand in Epcot at the Japanese pavilion where he can create character bentos. I hope that dream comes true someday, for all of us Disney food fans.

N: How did you get started making bentos?

OMG: I started after a trip to Japan and Hong Kong. On the trip we experienced the most wonderful food art both in and around the Disney Parks…adorable food was everywhere.

I am a software designer by trade. Making bento art has sparked my interest in pursuing more art design. The first bento I made was an Oswald the Lucky Rabbit onigiri. After that I was hooked.

N: How long do you spend making one bento?

OMG: I spend about an hour making the bento, depending on the character and complexity. Sometimes I will make multiple expressions for a single bento just to see what they will look like.

N: Have you always been a big Disney fan? What is your favorite character?

OMG: My favorite character is Mickey. My muse though, it’s Donald. I love to make angry Donalds the most.

As a kid I was a bigger Marvel comics and Star Wars fan. Luckily for me though, that’s all Disney now!

Star Wars Luke and Wampa Bento by Omgiri-03082015

N: I love your Star Wars bentos, do you plan on making any more especially since the new movies are coming out and Celebration is in a few months?

OMG: Yes! I’ll definitely being doing some bentos around May the 4th again this year. One of my favorites was my Wampa with Luke. There are so many Star Wars characters that I haven’t gotten to make yet.

N: Do you eat everything you make and is it hard to do since you put in so much time?

OMG: It’s never hard to eat what I make, no matter how cute it is or how long I spent working on it. I picked food as my art medium because I love that it is temporary. The food is made to be enjoyed and eaten. I take pictures, those keep and remind me of the fun I had making it.

For more of Omgiri’s bentos, check out his Instagram.

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