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New LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Poster Reveals Even More New Characters

New LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Poster Reveals Even More New Characters

If there’s a happier way to end a long work week than with a brand new poster for The LEGO Batman Movie (which already looks like the best Batman movie since The Dark Knight), then I honestly don’t know what it could be. But just in case this isn’t enough awesomeness for you, today’s Movie Morsels also has an intriguing new Rogue One video, the latest casting news on Jurassic World 2, word on the future of the 21 Jump Street franchise, and much more!

The LEGO Batman Movie

Holy horn of plenty, Batman! Last week, the LEGO Facebook page debuted photos of a bunch of upcoming minifigs from The LEGO Batman Movie. While it was nice to see such obscure characters as the Mime, the Eraser, March Harriet, and Zodiac Master, some of us were longing for pics of the Dark Knight’s more famous Rogues Gallery members. Well, Warner Bros. has heard our cries and answered them, with a new poster for the film showcasing such supervillains as the Joker, Harley, the Riddler, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Scarecrow, along with Batgirl, Robin, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Batman’s fellow Justice Leaguers Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, and many more. Man, if the film gives these characters a mere fraction of the personality given to Batman in The LEGO Movie, I’m convinced we’ll have an animated superhero spectacle that could rival even the mighty Incredibles

Meanwhile, back at stately LEGO Manor, new photos were tweeted of The LEGO Batman Movie‘s playsets…


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Hey, are you still wondering if Gareth Edwards found a way to put Luke, Leia, R2-D2, or any of the Jedi who survived Order 66 into Rogue One? They’re definitely wondering about this over in France, because a French TV show has just put these questions to the director in a new interview. While Edwards doesn’t confirm anything, he doesn’t deny everything either, and the way he doesn’t deny everything—he says flat-out “no” to some questions but responds “I don’t want to ruin it for people” to others—suggests the film has a few big surprises up its sleeve for fans. The guessing game begins at the 6:10 mark in the following video…


Jurassic World 2


The sequel to last year’s megahit Jurassic World has signed on a new young star to play opposite Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. Justice Smith, star of Paper Towns and Baz Luhrmann’s 1970s New York-set Netflix series The Get Down (pictured above), has joined Jurassic World II. A Monster Calls director J.A. Bayona will helm the Amblin epic, which starts shooting in the spring. Word on the streets is that Smith will play a scientist in the film. Of course since this is the Jurassic Universe, the question is now whether he’ll play a good scientist or a bad scientist…

[The Hollywood Reporter]

Underworld: Blood Wars

A new motion poster from the latest Underworld movie has dropped, featuring Kate Beckinsale’s vampire warrior Selene with both guns blazing. Plus, a tool that allows you to come off just as badass as she does in the snow, and without ever getting cold! Check it out below…


21 Jump Street Spinoff

22 Jump Street

Sony has been developing a 21 Jump Street spinoff film featuring a team of female narcotics officers, and now we hear the movie has 22 Jump Street and Get Him to the Greek screenwriter Rodney Rothman on board to write and possibly direct. Meanwhile, Sony confirms that a Men in Black/Jump Street mashup with stars Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum is also still in the works, which means there’s lots more for us to jump about!



Finally today, we have the first teaser trailer for the indie thriller Sleight, opening on April 7th!

Here’s the official synopsis:

“A young street magician (Jacob Latimore) is left to care for his little sister after their parents’ passing and turns to illegal activities to keep a roof over their heads. When he gets in too deep, his sister is kidnapped and he is forced to use his magic and brilliant mind to save her.”

[BH Tilt]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Warner Bros.

Images: Sony, Netflix

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