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Our Favorite Fan-Submitted Halloween Costumes

Our Favorite Fan-Submitted Halloween Costumes

Halloween. It happened. Building a costume, attending parties, shopping for the perfect candy for trick or treaters–Nerdoween is just as much work as Christmas. I hope you’re all relaxing from your Halloween preparations and enjoying a hazy, candy corn induced sugar coma. Based on the photos of your costumes you wonderful and creative people submitted, you deserve a break. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and that of other Halloween enthusiasts by checking out some impressive costumes.

Just like last year, Nerdist readers brought mad skills to the costume crafting arena. We’re dazzled. I selected some images at random to show off your talents. Let’s start with this Hawkgirl by Kayla Thibodeau:

Into Hamilton? I am and so is this entire family:

Photo courtesy of Lloyd Landicho

And in the mash-up category, please admire this Ariel from The Little Mermaid and Rey from The Force Awakens combination (she has a Flounder BB-8!):

Photo courtesy of Jacob and Christina Niedzwiecki

That’s not even all of them. Keep the party going by visiting the gallery below. You’ll find a few Stranger Things costumes (that seemed to be a popular choice this year), Appa and Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and so much more. Thank you all for sharing your pictures with us!

Want to show off your Halloween costume? It’s not too late. Head to Twitter and use the #Nerdoween hashtag to get our attention. And hey, if you like seeing costumes, come back here every Friday to enjoy a weekly round-up with Cosplay Friday.

Featured Image: Kayla Thibodeau




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