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Everything You Missed in the WONDER WOMAN Trailer

This year’s Comic-Con had so much to do, so much to see, and so many awesome new trailers to freak out about and analyze in excruciating detail, so what’s better time to break down the brand spankin’ new Wonder Woman trailer?! Hold on to your armored, Themysciran horses, DC Cinematic Universe doubters because the Wonder Woman trailer is here and it’s so freaking great! We’re breaking down everything you may have missed frame-by-frame on today’s Nerdist News!

First up, we see pilot Steve Trevor, washed up on the beach wearing a German/Prussian medal, specifically the Pour Le Merite. His whole uniform actually looks pretty German, so our money’s on DC Comics tweaking his Golden Age origin, which saw him as an intelligence officer working undercover. Next up, we see a tender moment between Diana and her mother, Queen Hippolyta, possibly making Wonder Woman the most emotionally-available superhero movie of all time!

We’re guessing they’re in Germany, as the ballroom scene features a whole bunch of German uniforms, including the movie’s villains! Is Danny Huston the rumored Ares, the Greek god of war who has come on Earth to fan the flames of World War I? And who’s the already intriguing lady-Scarface rocking period-appropriate facial prosthetics? Could it be Paula Von Gunther, the Nazi spy who became Wonder Woman’s first recurring enemy?

Now the question arises: which origin story are we seeing? It feels like a hodgepodge of Golden Age, Post-Crisis, and New 52, considering that Diana doesn’t consider Zeus to technically be her father, but claims to have been created by him. Time will tell if she was molded from clay or if Mama Hippolyta told a little white lie.

We get a ton of battle scenes in the trailer, including Wonder Woman confidently stepping out of a trench, in armored heels, deflecting bullets and grenades alike with her shield. While she does look phenomenal, now is a good time to mention that audiences would still be able to tell that she’s a woman in a movie even if she didn’t have those heels or that perfectly-coiffed hair in every scene. But I digress, because then we see the extremely badass Lasso of Truth! Bright and shiny against gray, war-torn Europe, it looks like an upgraded Indiana Jones whip! Channeling even more Indy, Diana’s line to Trevor of “It’s not up to you what I do” solidifies again that this movie is gonna rule super hard! Also, we see Diana shatter a freaking rifle with her back! WHAT?!

But what do you guys think? Is this the Wonder Woman movie we deserve? How many men do we have to get through before we see all the other badass women in this film? What happens to her shield between now and Batman v Superman? Let’s discuss!

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