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WONDER WOMAN Set Pics Reveal New Details!

It’s been a week since Gal Gadot made her cinematic debut as Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and now it’s time to focus on the long-awaited Wonder Woman solo film! Today’s Nerdist News is examining the newest pictures from the Wonder Woman set and breaking down what they mean for her story!

Join our very own Amazon hostess, Jessica Chobot as she takes us inside the leaked pics from Wonder Woman’s Italy shoot, which is standing in for Themyscira, the mythical home of the Amazons. That’s Paradise Island for you pre-Crisis old school comic book fans. There are some spoilers in these pictures, so consider this your last chance to stop reading the post. But honestly, if you know Wonder Woman’s comic book origins then none of this will come as a shock to you.

The big attraction here is the rescue of Captain Kirk himself, Chris Pine, as he portrays a World War I era Steve Trevor, the long-time love interest of Wonder Woman. These pics appear to be depicting Diana saving Steve after his plane crashed in the ocean, as you’ll note that she’s still wearing her Amazon clothing and not her iconic Wonder Woman costume.

We’re also very intrigued by the confrontation on the shore of Themyscira, as a group of Amazons come face-to-face with an outside army. Is there an invasion happening in this film? And how badly are the Amazons going to lay the smackdown on these soldiers?

What do you think about the new Wonder Woman set pics? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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