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The First Trailer for JUSTICE LEAGUE is Awesome

DC Entertainment decided to go big at Comic-Con this year, giving us the first official image of the Justice League and a sizzle reel. We had hopes that we’d maybe see some still photos, maybe a short clip, but Zack Snyder and company dropped a full blown trailer on us. It’s likely not what we’ll see in as a theatrical trailer before a movie, but it’s got tons of awesome footage, character introductions, and humor. That’s right, we said humor, something sorely missing from the previous DC Universe films.

The footage shows Bruce Wayne recruiting the “warriors” to battle an enemy on the horizon. Since we also see what appears to be a Motherbox being buried out in the woods, it’s probably safe to assume this big bad is the one and only Darkseid. That would also tie into Lex Luthor’s maniacal “pinging” at the end of Batman Vs. Superman. This footage along with the hints that have been dropped thus far gives us a pretty strong idea of what to expect. Placing your bets on the New Gods is probably a pretty sure thing.

The Justice League

This sizzle reel also gives us our first real glimpse of characters like Aquaman and The Flash in action. Aquaman is menacing and angry, definitely a darker version of the character, although Bruce Wayne points out that he talks to fish, so there will probably be jokes at Aquaman’s expense. Even Aquaman’s costume, which you can see in the promo image, is dark as all hell. It almost looks darker than Batman’s. Probably not going to see any green tights and orange, scaled shirt in Justice League.

The best bit of the footage features Barry Allen, who is charming, funny, and awkward. Sure, it’s a little bit of a bummer that we aren’t getting the TV version of the character, but Snyder seems to have captured that spirit, which is a good thing. That said, the less we talk about his costume, the better. It’s weird and armored looking, almost a little bit Iron Man in design. It has a pretty intense crotch piece, as well. Maybe it’ll look better when we see it in motion, but on that promo image it is seriously ugly.

There’s not much Cyborg in the trailer, no Superman at all, and very little Wonder Woman (although she had her own awesome trailer hit today, so that’s a forgivable offense). All in all, this footage has us very, very excited for Justice League. It looks fantastic and like a whole lot of fun. Between this and the Wonder Woman trailer, DC’s Cinematic Universe appears to be headed in the right direction.

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