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Nerdist Special Reports

Nerdist News: Meet the Cast of “Warm Bodies”

The zombie romance Warm Bodies hits multiplexes nationwide this weekend, and recently Nerdist News’ Dan Casey sat down to chat with the movie’s Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Dave Franco, and Rob Corddry. Can a zombie find true love even though he’s, you know, dead and all? Dan investigates.

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Make Your Own THE FLASH Big Belly Burgers

Make Your Own THE FLASH Big Belly Burgers

Join Us for a Night of Free Comedy, Snacks, and Drinks at the NerdMelt Showroom!

Join Us for a Night of Free Comedy, Snacks, and Drinks at the NerdMelt Showroom!

Review: IZOMBIE – ‘Pilot’

Review: IZOMBIE – ‘Pilot’
