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Neil Gaiman Continues Lost MIRACLEMAN Series for Marvel in September

Back in the eighties, British comic book series Miracleman, or Marvelman as it was better known in the UK, was one of the most critically acclaimed comics on the market. Starting with stories by writer Alan Moore (or, as he prefers to be called now, “the original writer”, and not be referred to by name, because reasons), the book was later continued by Neil Gaiman, years before he would go on to produce legendary works like American Gods.

In the early ’90s, Neil Gaiman and artist Mark Buckingham started a Miracleman story called “The Golden Age”, which was to have been followed by “The Silver Age” and “The Dark Age”. Each arc was supposted to be a six-issue storyline, but the book was cancelled by Eclipse Comics before it could be completed. The rights to the character then entered legal limbo for years before Marvel acquired them in 2009.

Now Marvel has announced that on September 2nd, at long last, the Miracleman stories begun by Gaiman decades ago will finally be complete. A tale that began 25 years ago begins anew this September in Miracleman by Gaiman and Buckingham #1. Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham are reuniting with series colorist D’Israeli and award-winning letterer Todd Klein to create the each issue of Gaiman and Buckingham’s run, which has been remastered directly from the original artwork. Each issue also features extensive additional content including scripts, original art, sketches, rare promotional pieces, and more.

The new series will kick off by reprinting “The Golden Age” storyline before continuing into the famously unfinished “The Silver Age” and “The Dark Age” story arcs. This will allow Gaiman and Buckingham’s long-lost Miracleman story to finally see the light of day, some twenty-five years after it began. You can check out our gallery below, featuring the first four pages, as well as four separate covers for Miracleman by Gaiman and Buckingham #1.

Are you excited to finish the saga? Let us know what you’re hoping to see in the comments below.


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