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Grant Morrison and Peter Milligan Join Marvel’s MIRACLEMAN ANNUAL #1

This December, Marvel’s unearthing a “lost” Grant Morrison Miracleman story.

According to a press release from the publisher, one of the All-Star Superman and New X-Men writer’s mid-’90s scripts for the British superhero comic will finally be making its debut in All-New Miracleman #1 with a little help from artist and Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada.

Marvel’s been publishing creator Mick Anglo’s run on the book, and this sees them adding some new content to the superhero’s universe here in the States.

The book’s a two-fer, though: in addition to the Morrison/Quesada collaboration, Peter Milligan (Lucifer, Crossing Midnight) is teaming up with his X-Statix collaborator Mike Allred (creator of Mad Man) for a second story in the oversized annual.

Morrison’s story will focus on Kid Miracleman, in what Marvel is calling a “foreboding” tale set before the Battle of London. For a little context, that was the all-out slobberknocker between Kid and classic Miracleman (AKA Marvelman in the U.K.) which leveled buildings and lead to the deaths of thousands in Alan Moore and John Totelben’s Miracleman #15. The level of violence in the issue was genre-pushing at the time, one of the major “what if superheroes really did what superheroes do in the real world” books.

Then Milligan takes a little headtrip back to the glory days of the Miracle family as Miracleman, Kid Miracleman, and Young Miracleman fight a new enemy (or maybe just figments of Miracleman’s imagination).

Garbriele Dell’otto is on covers for the December 31 release, and in addition to the pair of stories, Marvel is promising bonus content including original art, Morrison’s original script, and sketches.



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  1. RRP says:

    Mike Carey was the writer for Lucifer and Crossing Midnight. With Peter Milligan, you’re thinking Hellblazer and Shade, the Changing Man.  But nevermind…Yay, Grant Morrison!!