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Kevin Smith and Neil deGrasse Tyson Discuss How Science Changed the World of Comics on STARTALK (Exclusive)

Neil deGrasse Tyson certainly knows a lot about a lot, but he’d be the first to tell you there’s far more that he doesn’t know. That includes how comic books became socially acceptable for adults to read. To find out, StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson‘s big-brained host invited Kevin Smith to the show this week to talk about what brought about the newfound mainstream popularity of comics. Turns out, and fittingly so, that the answer has a lot to do with Marvel embracing the wonders of science.

In this exclusive clip from this Sunday night’s new episode on National Geographic, Smith discusses what he thinks happened to make comic books go from being just “for kids” to becoming a literary form grownups could read without being mocked. Smith explains how Marvel has utilized science-based stories to inspire awe and imagination. Science launched comic books from a genre of impossible heroes to that of ideas and futures people of all ages were eager to envision.

We had no idea how big a role science played in opening the wonderful world of comic books to a whole new (and older) group of readers, but we’re glad we do now… and we’re thankful Neil deGrasse Tyson asked.

StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson with guest star Kevin Smith airs this Sunday, October 29th, at 11:00 p.m. EST on National Geographic. What do you think of Smith’s answer? Do you agree with him? Be a star in our comments section below by talking to us about your thoughts.

Images: National Geographic

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