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ARROW Recap: Did “Broken Hearts” Just Destroy Team Arrow?

Arrow was all about the love tonight … as in, the death of love. And the death of hope. It was all very bleak. Get ready for some “Broken Hearts,” y’all! Let’s recap all the action while drying the tears that won’t stop pouring. And then let’s all reconvene for some much needed hugs after that.

It’s Cupid, stupid! Ah yes, Cupid’s back, out of ARGUS lockup, and she’s aiming her arrows at love. Her new motto? “Love is dead.” She started kidnapping celebrity couples and killing them on their wedding night. And it’s a good thing she waited to strike now, since HIVE was staying silent while Dahrk was in custody, so Team Arrow needed something to focus their energy on.

That’s right, Damien Dahrk’s criminal trial has officially started, and he’s already started to slither his way out of justice by filing a motion to dismiss … as in, dismiss the entire trial. Dahrk’s attorney argued that his real name is—get this—Kenneth Bender from Markovia, and that he was being held hostage too, making him far from culpable for the crimes of which he’s being accused. Laurel’s idea was for the members of Team Arrow who Dahrk kidnapped over the holidays to testify against him with their irrefutable evidence, especially since Felicity is the fiancée to the beloved mayoral candidate. And that’s when Felicity dropped the bomb on Team Arrow, since apparently no one had warned them—Olicity is no more.


Yeah, this was the episode in which Olicity broke hearts all across the nation. Felicity moved out of Oliver’s apartment and they canceled their wedding (Felicity sent out the un-vitations and Oliver had to cancel the venue), and Oliver for a moment forgot that Felicity would still be on Team Arrow regardless of their relationship status. He took it as a good sign that Felicity wanted to stay on the team instead of cutting all ties, and Diggle thought so too. But it was clear from all of Felicity’s snarky asides about Cupid’s vendetta and love that she was very much not okay with working with Oliver, regardless of what she and Oliver told everyone. Diggle and Thea tried to talk some sense into Oliver and get him to tell Felicity he still wants to be with her, but something was stopping him.

Meanwhile, Laurel’s idea to put Diggle, Thea and Felicity on the stand in Dahrk’s trial blew up in her face, since they all have secret identities and lives they can’t talk about. Their testimony no longer worked, and so Quentin Lance stepped forward to testify about his time being blackmailed to do Dahrk’s bidding. But since he wouldn’t get immunity for his illegal actions, Laurel wasn’t enthused about this plan. However, it was her only play that would get Dahrk locked up behind bars so ultimately she agreed.

Lance took the stand and killed it… and by “it,” I mean his career and all future prospects. But also his testimony against Dahrk! It was more than enough to get the judge to dismiss Dahrk’s petition to dismiss. He’s going to trial! Next step: get him convicted. Downside: Quentin’s been suspended while Internal Affairs looks into his actions he revealed in his testimony. And what was up with that wedding band that Dahrk snuck into prison with him? It made him smirk in his cell as he put it on, so that can’t be good.


Team Arrow was able to track Cupid to a storage facility that houses wedding dresses long-term (how perfect), and saw her next targets on a bulletin board. That’s when they realized Oliver and Felicity were targets of hers, and so, the Olicity wedding is back on! … Sort of. How cruel, to have to pretend to get married to the love of your life so soon after breaking up?! The look on Oliver’s face when he realized what he had to suggest to Felicity was so painful and awkward and hilarious and heartbreaking and awful. Someone GIF that ASAP, please and thank you!

Luckily, Oliver hadn’t canceled the venue for their real wedding yet (in his words, when he picked up the phone to do that, it would mean it’s over—a remark to which Felicity twisted the knife and said, “It is over.”). And so when he saw Felicity walk down the aisle, on her own two feet, in her gorgeous wedding gown, it literally took his breath away. Too bad she was cold the entire time. Her vows? Ouch. That’s when Oliver decided to make his case for their relationship in his vows. What an emotional, raw and honest speech, y’all! It even brought Felicity to tears. But what could have been a hopeful moment for Olicity was cut short when Cupid took the bait and attacked their “wedding.”

But maybe her attack was a blessing in disguise. While trying to talk Cupid out of blowing up the entire building, Felicity accidentally gave her vows in explaining why love isn’t death, it’s life itself, and how her love for Oliver gave her life meaning and purpose. She even managed to get Cupid to believe in love again! That distraction gave Diggle, Thea, and Oliver the chance to take her down. And now both Oliver and Diggle (who was listening in over coms) truly believe that there’s still hope for Olicity.


However, Felicity quickly dashed those hopes later down in the Arrow Lair. Oliver tried to convince her that they could still get married, and he would be a different, better person, a.k.a. no more lies. But according to Felicity, no matter how much he loves her, there will always be a part of him that defaults to the man who was on the island—alone. And she’s not wrong. So she decided she couldn’t be a part of Team Arrow and spend every night with Oliver after all they’d been through, and she quit. No more Overwatch?! Say it ain’t so! Is the original Team Arrow done for good? Excuse me while I go cry some more.

And in the island flashbacks this week, we finally learned what Baron Reiter was after in the caves. It’s some sort of magical totem that holds human souls? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what it does or why Reiter wants it. Neither do Oliver and Taiana, but they correctly guessed that Reiter shouldn’t have it, so they grabbed it and ran. Now they’re stuck down in the caves with Reiter, about to fight for their lives. And for some magical totem thing.

If you have any insight as to what the heck is going on in the flashback storyline, shoot me a tweet at @SydneyBucksbaum, because I’m having a hard time getting into it this season, way more than in past seasons. Also, tweet me all your Olicity GIFs, because I’m now officially in mourning.

Images: The CW

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

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