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Mondo Unveils Infographic Poster by Artist Tom Whalen (Exclusive)

For decades now, “Mondo” has been a word synonymous with fine pop art celebrating movies and television shows everybody loves. The pieces selected for their shows always sell out, usually in a matter of minutes, because no amount of money or lack of wall space can keep people from obtaining these things, and so maybe that’s why the company has decided to impart some wisdom with their latest gallery opening. Paring with site Info•Rama, the gallery will consist of infographic posters from things like Star Wars, Batman, and The Avengers. And we have an exclusive look at artist Tom Whalen’s Raphael Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster.


This Raphael poster is only one of a set of four for each of the different Turtles, and the others will all be on display when the gallery opens Friday, June 24 and run until July 9. Granted, you have to be in Austin, TX to see them, but you can see a few more examples from the show below, including artist Matt Taylor’s awesome Avengers infographic featuring all the members in the history of Marvel comics in a kind of cyclone, one about the 1960s Batmobile by Whalen, and a super sweet The Military Forces of the Galactic Empire infographic by Kevin Tong. And, just because we like you, check out two variants of Taylor’s Jaws poster.

Info•Rama was founded in 2014 by Tong and Whalen, and the two of them along with Taylor will be in attendance for the opening night gala at the Mondo Gallery on Friday, June 24 from 7-10pm. For more information, hit up Mondo’s website.

Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Featured Image: Matt Taylor/Mondo

Image: Tom Whalen/Mondo


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