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Mission Log #35 – Episode 035 – The Doomsday Machine

The Enterprise encounters an obsessed commodore and a planet eating device. It’s a cornucopia of destruction when we put “The Doomsday Machine” in the Mission Log.

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  1. Tom says:

    I think Ricardo Montalban might have been equally famous at the time; and he also took over the Enterprise. You see, Timmy, it’s not always a good idea to rescue well-known actors from derelict starships.

  2. Solid Muldoon says:

    Am I wrong in thinking that William Windom was the biggest star to guest on Star Trek to this point?

  3. Wildride says:

    Decker did a damned stupid thing in a damned stupid way, but — Guess what? — He figured out how to kill the device even if he wasn’t the one to do it himself. If he wasn’t so broken, yeah, he probably could’ve used his reason and experience to come to that conclusion logically, but yeah he’d clearly snapped. That being said, while you’re busy not being a Decker, don’t forget that Decker’s the main reason the rest of them are still around to do anything.