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Microsoft Reveals Stark-Approved Special Edition Iron Man Xbox One

If you were still deciding between #TeamCap and #TeamIronMan, the choice just got a whole lot easier.

Microsoft and “Stark Industries” have revealed a special edition, Iron Man-inspired Xbox One as part of the ongoing marketing push for the upcoming blockbuster, Captain America: Civil War…and it’s gorgeous! While the console does not share the same color-scheme as Iron Man’s suit (as one would expect), the machine does include Stark’s Arc Reactor. The body of the unit is a shiny white, with the Stark Industries logo prominently displayed at the top of the hardware.


Furthermore, a matching white controller is also included, with an Arc Reactor replacing the usual Xbox home button. If that’s not cool enough, both of the replica reactors light up blue.

Now, before you start throwing your money at the screen, you need to know that these are very limited. Only three of these bad boys have been made. THREE! There’s no way of purchasing it either. At the moment it looks like only Xbox France’s social media accounts are giving these mean machines away. Go check them out!


Want to ogle at the Xbox One some more? Feast your eyes on clip above. We can’t help but wonder why there’s no Captain America equivalent? Does this mean Xbox France has chosen their side? I would equally dig an Xbox One featuring Cap’s shield.

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters next week; you can check out all our coverage right here. Are you going to try to get one of these Xbox Ones? How much would you pay for this console? Which other Avenger deserves their own Xbox One? Let us know in the comments below!

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