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Marvel Teases CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR with New Featurette

Last week, Marvel fans got their first real look at the hugely anticipated Captain America: Civil War when the first full trailer hit the internet to record breaking views. Now Marvel Studios has released a nifty little preview video featuring our first real behind-the-scenes look at the film, which will be included in the forthcoming Marvel Phase Two Blu-ray box set.

The minute-and-a-half video actually tells you quite a bit, For starters, Civil War directors Joe and Anthony Russo discuss how this is a movie that really shows the repercussions (and collateral damage) of the twelve Marvel movies up to this point. The governments of the world want the Avengers to abide by new rules where they are registered agents with legal authority, not just a bunch of freewheeling cowboys and cowgirls. Consider the fact that a certain creation of the Avengers (*cough* Ultron) basically destroyed a whole country and you can kiiiind of see where they’re coming from.

The premise of the movie is actually pretty close to the original Mark Millar/Steve McNiven comic book event series, minus the “revealing your secret identity” angle (since almost none of the Marvel movie heroes have one of those in the cinematic universe). That detail aside, this seems very much inspired by spirit of the original comic. The video also shows us our first clip of Chadwick Boseman talking about his role as Black Panther. Marvel Studios’ chief Kevin Feige also shares about how the Panther is the character who represents the “third party” between Tony Stark and Captain America’s two sides of the argument.

You can watch a longer version of this video on the Marvel Universe Phase Two Blu-ray box set, available December 8, 2016. Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6, 2016.

IMAGE: Marvel Studios

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