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Marvel Gives NICK FURY a New Ongoing Series

Marvel Gives NICK FURY a New Ongoing Series

Marvel’s ultimate spy, Nick Fury, has had several ongoing series over the last five decades, but now, Nick Fury, Jr. is getting his shot in the spotlight!

Writer James Robinson and artist ACO have been announced as the creative team for the new Nick Fury ongoing series, which will follow the Samuel L. Jackson-inspired version of the character. Jackson’s likeness was originally used in the Ultimates by artist Bryan Hitch, and that eventually led to Jackson playing Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Back in 2012, Marvel decided to add a similar character to its main universe by introducing Marcus Johnson as the previously unknown son of Nick Fury, who took on his father’s name by the end of the Battle Scars miniseries.



The new series will follow the younger Fury as he travels the world on secret missions, and Marvel’s description for the comic hints that his travels may take him to “underwater city of Atlantis or even the surface of the moon” as he faces a constant challenge from his opposite number: Frankie Noble, Agent of Hydra.

Marvel also released some of ACO’s early artwork for the series, which appears to take some of its influence from Jim Steranko’s Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. comics from the ’60s. It’s an unconventional style that’s definitely going to stand out.


“I think ACO and I are both in love with the style of [the ’60s],” said Robinson while speaking with Newsarama. “The clothing, pop art, bold graphics, and the fact that this was a time when spy fiction was at it’s peak, no doubt tying in with the Cold War that was going on. It’s interesting that this book found its way at a time when Russia seems to be getting up to its old tricks, so maybe we’re tapping into the zeitgeist now too”

You can see more of the preview art in our gallery below. Nick Fury #1 will be released in April.

Are you excited to see the younger Nick Fury go solo? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Marvel Comics


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