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Mark Hamill Finally Talks (A Little Bit) About Luke Skywalker in THE FORCE AWAKENS

It seems like only yesterday that Disney announced they were buying Lucasfilm, and that in a few short years, we’d have a new Star Wars movie featuring the original cast, all together again. Since then, it’s gone from a slow drip of Star Wars related news and announcements, to the virtual tsunami we’ve had these past few months.

And despite all that, and just being a few short weeks away now from the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, when it comes to the role of maybe the most important character in the Star Wars saga, Luke Skywalker…. we still know next to nothing.

You’ve got to hand it to J.J. Abrams and Lucasfilm, when it comes to Luke, they’ve managed to keep that mystery box tightly closed. And this despite knowing for a fact that Mark Hamill is indeed in the movie in some capacity, since that much was made official. And yet there has been no official images of Luke released, and he’s been kept off all the posters and merchandise so far. All we’ve had is a voiceover from Mark Hamill for the first full trailer, and that’s it, and that was even just audio from Return of the Jedi.

Now, in a new interview with Empire Magazine (via SlashFilm), Hamill finally started opening up a bit about Luke Skywalker’s role in this most recent chapter, saying “Obviously you’re seeing him in a very different time in his life. There are lots of surprises in this movie. You’re going to love it.”

Ok, admittedly, that’s not a whole lot to go on. Still, Hamill was able to throw out one tiny clue about Luke’s fate thirty years after the events of Return of the Jedi, saying of the shoot “It reminded me of when I was in Tunisia on the salt flats. If you could get into your own mind and shut out the crew and look at the horizon, you really felt like you were in a galaxy far, far away. I had that same wave of emotion happen to me when I was on Skellig Michael in Ireland. I wasn’t anticipating it.”

Hmmm….If you ask me, that seems to suggest that Hamill had a lot of “alone time” as Luke in this movie…living the Obi-Wan/Yoda hermit life maybe? We’ll find out on December 18th, when Star Wars: The Force Awakens finally hits theaters.

HT: Empire Magazine via SlashFilm
IMAGE: Lucasfilm

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