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Mario Finally Takes on Skateboarding in New Fan Video

Mario has played soccer, basketball, tennis, baseball, karting, and pretty much every other sport under the sun, but he’s never really tried skateboarding (no, that one unofficial flash game doesn’t count). Since Mario is the world’s greatest at every activity he has ever tried—except for keeping track of Princess Peach—his skateboarding race time is the one to beat for Luigi in the newest video from Corridor Digital, which you can check out above.

In the video, which looks gorgeous in 60 fps, Luigi zips through a time trail run that takes him through an urban area that features classic Mario items and twists—like coins, Bullet Bills, and dangerous shortcuts (one of which takes Luigi on a harrowingly-narrow path). In the end, Luigi triumphs over his more popular brother, but wouldn’t you know it, his reign at the top is short lived, as apparently Mario was never more than three feet behind him the whole way, crossing the finish line immediately after with a superior run.

Corridor Digital also produced a behind-the-scenes video for the project, which you can check out below. Their production included GoPro cameras mounted on boom sticks and following Luigi and his motorized longboard way too closely in a car. There are also some cool clips of their process for the CGI they utilized, which include interesting tech talk about lighting and all that stuff.

But of course all of this begs the question: WILL THIS BE INCLUDED IN THE VIDEO GAME THEME PARK? Because, uh, we think it’d make a real great addition.

HT: Uproxx

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