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Bottleneck Gallery’s JUSTICE LEAGUE Print Unites the Heroes Against Steppenwolf

The DCEU’s Justice League is finally here, and while it’s disjointed, we found it fun in a way that previous DC films were not. You can find out exactly what we thought of it by checking out our review. It’s been a divisive film, but one thing we can all agree on is that it’s magical to see the League together in a big budget live-action movie. The characters are great, even if the story is not. Which is why Bottleneck Gallery‘s latest Justice League print, drawn by Rich Kelly, highlights our heroes at their most badass.

Ben Affleck‘s Batman takes center stage here as he brutally dispatches a Parademon, with Wonder Woman and Aquaman flanking him. The Flash zooms away from the team after defeating another Parademon, as evidenced by the lightning flashing across the middle. Cyborg and Superman occupy smaller roles as they contend with Steppenwolf.

The print also comes in a metallic variant, which paints the League in a more dire light. This is a damn Apokoliptian New God they’re dealing with, and it’s not going to be easy.

Both prints are 24 x 36 inches and are available now for purchase from Bottleneck, with the original setting you back $50 and the metallic variant $60. Will you be purchasing one of these prints? Let us know in the comments.

Image: Rich Kelly, Bottleneck Gallery

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