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What JUSTICE LEAGUE’s Post-Credits Scenes Mean For The DCEU

Warning: This post contains spoilers about the Justice League post-credits scenes. Check back with us after you’ve seen the movie!

Justice League has finally Boomtubed into movie theaters across the country, and now fans have a better idea of what the future of the DC Extended Universe looks like. Part of that comes from the two additional scenes placed during the mid-credits and post-credits. The influence of the MCU was definitely felt during those sequences, and Joss Whedon, the director of the Justice League reshoots, may have had a hand in those. Today’s Nerdist News is examining both scenes and explaining what they may mean for the DCEU.

Join host and Mother Box collector, Jessica Chobot, as she talks about perhaps the most lighthearted scene in a DC movie since the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. In a sequence straight out of the comics, Superman and the Flash decide to have a footrace to determine which one is faster. That’s a very Silver Age idea, and it’s the kind of human touch that’s been missing from most of the previous DC films since Man of Steel. And perhaps that race was an indication that the DC movies are going in a lighter direction as a course correction.

But the scene that’s really going to get people talking is the one at the very end. Lex Luthor has made his escape and returned to his life of luxury. But he’s not alone. Joe Manganiello made his DCEU debut as Deathstroke in that sequence, and Luthor openly spoke about forming “a League of their own.” That’s got us hoping to see an Injustice League in the inevitable sequel. Obviously the Joker would have to be there, and Circe seems like a good choice to be Wonder Woman‘s foil on that team. The other members would have to be rivals for Aquaman, the Flash, and Cyborg.

DC has a long history of bringing its bad guys together into supergroups. If “Injustice League” is too on-the-nose, then perhaps the group could go by the Secret Society name that has also been used in the comics. Even though Legion of Doom is more closely associated with the Super-Friends animated series, it’s still a pretty awesome name as well. Whatever name they go by, DC’s villains are still a largely untapped asset in this cinematic universe. Hopefully this is where that changes.

Are you excited about the future of the DCEU after seeing these post-credits scenes? Let us know in the comment section below!

Need More Justice League?

Images: Warner Bros. Pictures. 

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