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Josh Gad Gives Up on Pestering Daisy Ridley for THE LAST JEDI Spoilers, Now Bugging Lupita Nyong’o

After months and months of trying and failing to get his Murder on the Orient Express costar Daisy Ridley to spill a few spoilers for The Last Jedi, Josh Gad has finally realized there is no hope of ever getting anything out of Rey… which is why he’s moved on to pestering Lupito Nyong’o.

Gad shared this very funny video on Twitter from the set of Little Monsters, a new zombie movie he is currently starring in alongside Nyong’o, who will reprise her The Force Awakens role of Maz Kanata in The Last Jedi.

In the video, Gad invites the Star Wars actress to his trailer, despite her being covered in fake blood, to see if she would put a three-week friendship above her contractual obligation to safeguard the secrets of one of the most anticipated films of the year. Knowing that was unlikely to work, Gad had a shameless backup plan that called for help from one of their younger cast members.

Using a child seems like a low blow, but in fairness that little girl did have some excellent questions we would love to get the answers to. Also, even if you’re one of the people who loathed the 20-minute Olaf’s Frozen Adventure short that has been airing before Pixar’s Coco, that was a pretty amazing jab from Gad.

But ultimately this should be a warning for any actor who might appear in Star Wars: Episode IX. If you do a film with Josh Gad in the next two years, he will harass you for spoilers. Poor Daisy Ridley.

Which Star Wars actor do you think would be the most likely to actually lip up and reveal something before the movie comes out? Name your best guess in the comments below.

Featured Image: NBC/CBS

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