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Is the New STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Footage Revealing Too Much?

We’re in the home stretch! (Finally!) Star Wars: The Force Awakens is due to hit theaters in a few measly weeks, and though we won’t see any new trailers for the film stateside, new footage is finding it’s way onto the interwebs in a variety of forms. Over the weekend, a couple of international trailers were uploaded to YouTube, and they included a few spoileriffic big-deal moments that we’d never seen before. We also got some television spots airing in the U.S. that contain some minor new pieces of footage, but anyone wanting to go into the movie cold is going to have a harder and harder time resisting all of the new videos out there. If you’re feeling particularly masochistic, one diligent fan has compiled all of the footage into what they can best ascertain is chronological order, and when it’s all laid out end to end, you can really start to see the shape of the plot. And maybe we’re spoiling it for ourselves a little bit, but it looks so gosh darn good!

Join Jessica Chobot as we discuss the new footage from the J.J. Abrams directed flick and the reasons why we think these revelations are nothing but a good thing, on today’s Nerdist News.

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Be sure to check out Jessica, Malik Forte, and Dan Casey in all of our Blizzcon coverage from this weekend. Let us know in the comments if you are watching the new Star Wars footage or trying to avoid spoilers before the movie comes out next month!

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