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International ROGUE ONE Trailer Reveals a Major Plot Point

After the release of some major trailer, you can almost count on there being a mostly-the-same-but-slightly-different trailer to be released internationally. From there, it’s a game of seeing which shots are different or what little new nugget or Easter egg they include that the North American crowd didn’t get to see. In the case of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story‘s most recent trailer, there’s a huge something new to discover—not an image or costume reveal, but a major beat to the plot.

If you don’t want to know anything, I’d recommend not watching it, and not reading any further. So consider this your spoiler warning.

So, the moment in question comes from the very familiar scene of Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) being told about the mission, while shackled, from Mon Mothma and company. Although instead of the vagueness of the other trailers, the international one tells us flat out that Jyn’s father, Galen Erso (the still-unseen Mads Mikkelsen) is the one who sent the transmission about the Death Star’s creation in the first place, so that would mean that Jyn is aware of her father being involved in the plot before they head out and not a surprise as some had speculated.

However what we don’t know yet are the following: 1) Whether Galen sent the transmission under duress as part of an Imperial plot to weed out the Rebels. 2) If Galen sent the transmission at all or if they’re just telling Jyn that to make her want to get involved. 3) If Galen did send it, whether he knew his daughter would be among the people who received it. So many story points still up in the air, but it’s kind of cool/major to get an inciting incident this early in the trailers.

Ah, gotta love them Asian market trailers. They’ll spoil everything. Let us know what theories you have now, knowing this, in the comments below!

Image: Lucasfilm

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

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