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Inked Wednesday #82 – THE X-FILES, WORLD OF WARCRAFT, and More

Why have a tattoo of only Mulder’s head when you can have a tattoo with his head, the stars, a UFO, and a flower? The creativity that can be applied to tattoos is endless and limited only by what you want, the space you want it in, and the skills of your tattoo artist. I have pretty straightforward tattoos—symbols and silhouettes—that I’m perfectly happy with, but I occasionally consider building upon them and getting more artistic touches added. Talented tattoo artists can dress up anything: quotes, outlines, and yes, even Mulder’s face—not that David Duchovny really needs help in that department.

And speaking of Mulder, let’s kick off Inked Wednesday with a look at this X-Files beauty:

Mulder (The X-Files) | Source: Spooky Mulder, inked by Jordan Isaacson at Reno Tattoo Co

Spooky Mulder got it inked in early March. The shading is killer—especially the colors on the face. Jordan nailed it.

Scroll down to the gallery below to see more ink. You’ll find Frostmourne from World of Warcraft, some Star Wars symbols, Where the Wild Things Are, and more.

Do you know the Inked Wednesday drill by now? Reader submissions keep the gallery full each week. Show off your nerdy ink, and I’ll include it in a future gallery. Leave links to pics of your tattoos in the comments, tag or mention me on Instagram, or send me photos on Twitter. Don’t forget to include the name and shop of the tattoo artist who did the work. If you are a tattoo artist, please share a link to your portfolio!


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