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Inked Wednesday #36 – SHADOWRUN, ADVENTURE TIME, STAR WARS, & More

It’s another Wednesday, and that means it’s time for Inked Wednesday! If you’re new around these parts and don’t know what Inked Wednesday’s all about, allow me to explain. Each week I round-up some of the geekiest tattoos I see into a gallery. Most of the tattoos belong to Nerdist readers that submit photos of their ink to me. I do this to celebrate the extreme fandom commitment that is getting permanent ink added to one’s body and also to provide inspiration for anyone thinking about getting a tattoo. Fandoms from Doctor Who to Legend of Zelda are represented each week. Today’s gallery has tattoos from Adventure Time, Transformers, Alice in Wonderland, and more. Take a look:

Geeky sleeve | Source: Mandy Curtis, inked by Megan Cates at Bijou Studio

Have any geeky ink you’d like to share with the class? As always, leave links to pictures in the comments below or send photos to me on Twitter. Please let me know the tattoo artist’s name so I can credit him or her.


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