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Inked Wednesday #33 – Wolverine, Stan Lee, DUNE, & More

For every person that has a tattoo, there is likely someone who serves as tattoo moral support. I’ve sat through the tattoo process on my own, but usually I drag a friend or loved one with me for fun. Sometimes they’re curious about the ins and outs of ink, but other times, I don’t give them a choice. Those of you attending Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim this weekend can all be tattoo spectators and offer moral support in the event’s Tattoo Pavilion. Artists such as Josh Bodwell will have their booths open during exhibit hall operating hours and you can watch people get tattoos of everything from Chewbacca to the Death Star. Plus, it’s a cool/weird feeling to be around so many buzzing tattoo guns.

I’ll capture some photos to share in the next Inked Wednesday, but today’s gallery has plenty to make your eyes happy. See tattoos from Bitch Planet, Conan the Barbarian, Dune, and more.

Non-Compliant (Bitch Planet) | Source: @Vanitygames

As always, there’s a whole gallery of geeky ink below. Be sure to check it out! And also as always, feel free to shoot me pictures of your nerdy tattoos in the comments below or on Twitter.


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