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Hydraulic Press V Hot Nickel Balls: Dawn of Metal Destruction

It is often said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (personally, the flattery I’m most partial to is when someone insincerely tells me I look like I’ve lost some weight), and if that’s the case then two very popular YouTube channels must be feeling pretty good about themselves after watching this video of a hydraulic press crushing some red hot nickel balls.

The new YouTube account Hydraulic Power combined the satisfying and needless crushing of the Hydraulic Press Channel with the aesthetically pleasing glow of the super dangerous red hot nickel balls of the carsandwater channel to make their own uber-video of pointless but wonderful destruction.

It’s remarkable how quickly the balls lost their beautiful red glow, as though the press just squeezed out all of the heat, but in reality they remained very hot even after they became discs. You can also see the outer layer of the balls flake off, as a black smoke comes pouring out. With that much power and that much heat, there is a whole lot of energy here.

Now I know some of you are going to be mad that someone is trying to piggyback on the success of the Hydraulic Press Channel, but this new Hydraulic Power account links back in their video to the Finnish godfather of internet hydraulic press silliness; they know who came first. Besides, do you want to live in a world with more or less videos of a hydraulic press flattening things? Exactly–more.

Now we just need the Epic Rap Battles of History guys to make a song about this coming together of internet videos and we’ll reach peak YouTube.

What’s your favorite video of a hydraulic press destroying something? It would crush us if you don’t share your thoughts in the comments below.

Images: Hydraulic Power

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