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How Well Do Teens Know ’90s Horror Films?

“Do you like scary movies?” Of course you do! Since the beginning of film, every generation has seemingly embraced the movies that were designed to make them feel terror. But not all of these films have managed to withstand the test of time. Even the classic horror titles of the ’90s aren’t necessarily well known by modern teenagers.

In the latest episode of the Fine Brothers’ React: Do They Know It?, seven horror films from the ’90s were put to the test by a group of teens. Surprisingly, Stephen King’s It had the highest average of awareness and title. But Peter Jackson‘s Dead Alive came in dead last, with only one teen who claimed to have been aware of it ahead of time. That said, the revelation that the director of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies had made a horror film seemed to intrigue some of these young movie fans. Although we would also suggest that they check out The Frighteners.

Leprechaun scored unusually high on title recognition, but we think that was due to several lucky guesses rather than true awareness. Most of the teens hadn’t seen the film, and only knew of it by reputation. That means that they’ve been denied the pleasures of hearing Warwick Davis scream “Me Gold!” in a ridiculous accent.

Only two films scored perfect “ten out of ten” awareness from these teens: Scream and The Sixth Sense, although The Blair Witch Project came close with a nine. And yet shockingly, only five of the teens could identify the movie poster for Scream, even though the cast list was included on the image.

This video also successfully gave us a true sensation of horror as well: it made us feel old! Thanks a lot, kids!

What did you think about this video? Let us know in the comment section below!

Image: Fine Brothers Entertainment

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