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Because Science

How Does a Pokeball Actually Work?

To explain them is my true test, science is my cause…pokeballs!

In my latest Because Science, I’m offering up what I think is the most reasonable explanation for how pokeballs can shrink down pocket monsters to fit in decent habitats. That’s right, it’s less “Data Theory” and more Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

Check out my last video on why the Terminator’s skin ages, subscribe to this playlist to stay current with the show, buy a Because Science shirt, and follow me on Twitter to give me a suggestion for the next episode!

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

The Ancient Origin of MONTY PYTHON's Foot

The Ancient Origin of MONTY PYTHON's Foot

The K Ohle with Kurt…

The K Ohle with Kurt… : Get Lost with Dan St.…
