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Home Geekonomics: Virtual Cat Game Neko Atsume

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.

home geekonomics

There is no greater joy in the world than waiting for my fake cats to come home and play and eat in my fake yard. The virtual cat game Neko Atsume has consumed my life and somehow makes me more excited than having real life pets. Probably because there’s no poop to clean up.

This cat game obsession is taking over the world; fan art and DIY crafts are popping up everywhere because after all, collecting cats is basically what the internet was invented for. Here are some of the best Neko Atsume tributes for you to obsess over until Mr. Meowgi shows up in your yard.

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Neko Atsume shoes by User5DA
Hand-painted Neko Atsume shoes. I’ll wait until you finish screaming. Yep, you didn’t know how badly you needed these in your life until now.

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Neko Atsume ball pillow by Rabetto
If you love Neko Atsume but aren’t allowed to have a pet due to your lease, this cat plush is the next best thing. It won’t shed or poop so basically it’s the next best thing to bringing your collected cats to life at home.

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Neko Atsume cookies by Pretty Cake Machine
Neko Atsume’s kawaii cat faces easily translate into delicious sugar cookies. I’m guessing they cost a whole lot of gold fish so you better save up.

@foodlibrarian made me the best buttons for Christmas 😻 #NekoAtsume

A photo posted by Jenn Fujikawa (@justjennrecipes) on

DIY Neko Atsume buttons by @foodlibrarian
These were made for me as a gift and it’s quite possibly the best Christmas gift I’ve ever received. Anyone with a button maker and dream can make up a batch of cat butt pins to thrill and amuse your friends.

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Neko Atsume sweater via amazon
If there’s one thing your wardrobe can absolutely not do without, it’s a sweatshirt covered in tiny adorable Neko Atsume characters. I guarantee you’ll be staring at yourself for hours at a time.

IMAGES: User5DA, Rabetto, Pretty Cake machine, Jenn Fujikawa, Amazon

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