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Holiday Gift Guide 2016: The Music Geek

Holiday Gift Guide 2016: The Music Geek

We’re just getting over Halloween and Thanksgiving hasn’t even happened yet, so we know what that means: time to start thinking about Christmas! A religious observer of the holiday or not, December is still the time to get together with family, enjoy some food, and stress about what sort of creative gifts you’re going to get for your loved ones… or just those you know are getting you something so you feel obligated to return the favor.

If you have music fans with a nerdy side in your life, then we have some great news: you’re in the right spot, and we’re here to help! We’ve put together a succinct and valuable holiday gift guide for you, and it has a bit of everything. You can scoop up vinyl soundtracks for shows like Stranger Things, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones. You can up your audio game with Star Wars– and Pokémon-branded speakers and headphones, or perhaps a bass-boosting speaker that you wear on your torso like a bullet-proof vest. You can also inform yourself more about rock history with an expansive vinyl reissue of Nirvana’s seminal album Nevermind, a record of Jack White classics performed acoustically, or a book detailing the fascinating life of punk icon Iggy Pop.

You got options, is what we’re saying, and you also have time to make it happen. The good news is that you might also have some luck, as more than a few of the items below will be included in our 2016 Holiday Giveaway, so keep an ear to the ground and wait to hear more from us about that. For now, though, snoop around in our gift picks below and tick some boxes on that shopping list of yours.

Featured Image: Modern Vinyl


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