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Go Behind The Scenes of Weird Al’s ‘Tacky’ Video

If it looks like the video for Weird Al’s “Tacky” was insanely fun to shoot, that’s because it was. With all those talented, funny people (read: Jack Black, Kristen Schaal, Eric Stonestreet, Margaret Cho, and Aisha Tyler)  in one place, dressed in the tackiest costumes of all time, there was absolutely no one in the city of Los Angeles having a better time than those of us who were able to see just exactly how “Tacky” came together scene by scene.

So we thought, why not share the experience and give you loyal nerds a taste of what it was like to be on set? Below, we have included a collection of our favorite behind-the-scenes photos that capture Al and the gang doing what they do best: goofing off and making us smile so hard the corners of our mouth hurt. Some highlights include Jack Black teaching Kristen Schaal and our editor in chief Brian Walton how to twerk, Eric Stonestreet owning the spotlight on the top floor of the Palace Theatre, and Weird Al smiling for the camera in his dressing room.

Click to expand the thumbnails below.

Enjoy the photos and let us know which shots are you favorite in the comments, on Facebook, and Twitter! Have a tacky summer everyone!



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  1. Sean says:

    The Lift Scene with Kristen Schaal was the best. Just a thought maybe grow underarm hair or get a couple of cuttings from weird Al’s hair and use wood glue or something. That would be tacky…

  2. Jack says:

    Anybody here ever have “Tacky Day” back when they were in school?  That was such a hoot.  I’d forgotten all about it until watching this. 

    This was such a fun video.  Well laid out, well timed (right down to Kristin’s elevator ride down during the breakdown) and done with one camera in a single seamless take…  you know there wasn’t a single serious moment on set that day, and yet the business got done.  BRAVO! 

  3. Awesome, this is the funniest video.

  4. Scott says:

    Al and I are the same age and I used to hear him on Dr. Demento AGES ago.
    This video is one if the funniest things I have ever seen!  Dammit!!!  Word Crimes is also such a clever parody.  I love this guy!
    If you have never seen it watch Close But No Cigar, a WAY song with cartooning by John Crisfalusi!  Dynamite.

    • Claudia says:

      Dr. Demento, I remember that from when I was a kid. By any chance do you remember the Shrimpenstein song? ‘Shrimpenstein, he was created in just half the time…” 

    • Cris Gallagher says:

      I saw that video last night.  It IS hilarious!!

  5. Sunnshine says:


  6. My eyes! Al, my EYES!

    • Tony says:

      You may enjoy ‘My Own Eyes,’ also on ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic’s ‘Mandatory Fun.’

  7. Rich Hoy says:

    I LOVE the way the entire video was done in a single take with a single camera – AWESOME!!

  8. ScottDonald says:

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do an @Midnight – Tacky Video version 1= The Ladies and version2=The Boys , that would be the best two nights of basic cable since, well since like ever

  9. Big v says:

    Laughed my ass off. 

  10. Jeannie Lupo says:

    They can call it tacky if they want but I would be rockin’ in Weird Al’s shirt and jacket!

  11. Maggie says:

    I love Jack Black teaching them to twerk. LOL