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Give This LEGO Machine Five Bucks and It Sells You a Pizza

When you hear pizza places talk about their brick ovens, you probably don’t assume the bricks in question are LEGO.

Well, okay, technically this li’l Pizza Hut from Astonishing Studios doesn’t function as an oven, as there’s no heating element. But that’s not a knock, since what it actually does is so cool. Put in five dollar bills, and out comes not just a personal pan pizza, but 71 cents in change as well, to match the establishment’s set pie price of $4.29. The device even holds two pizzas, so you can do it twice. Walk around a college dorm with a few of these, and you’ll make bank.

Or maybe not. Sooner or later, somebody who doesn’t appreciate the intricacies of a sweet homemade device will realize that (unless Astonishing Studios opt to unleash the Kragle) it’s easier to just disassemble the Lego than put five dollars in. Such people are barbarians, but they’re out there. Maybe a LEGO keg that dispenses free beer would be a good defense. Or one that gives out waffles. You know, so you can LEGO your Eggo.

Needless to say, this is not an official Pizza Hut creation, though its creator has submitted an M&Ms candy dispenser prototype to LEGO Ideas for consideration to become a legit set. Apparently, snacky food tastes better when it emerges from a LEGO construction. I mean, that does improve just about anything. Hell, even the phone bill could bring a smile to my face if a LEGO contraption printed it out. I’m not saying how long that smile would last, but it would at least cross my face.

What would you want a LEGO build to produce for you? Brick it down for us in comments.

Featured Image: Astonishing Studios

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