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Give the Gift of Nerdery with Our Valentine’s Day Giveaway

We are quickly approaching the holiday dominated by images of candy and hearts and flowers and pink and red and boy does it get old. Just because Valentine’s Day’s traditional presents include chocolates and roses doesn’t mean you have to fall in with that. Let’s be honest here – who do you know that would actually like to receive any of these things? Sure, a box of chocolates is nice, but ANYBODY can give those. You’re a cool nerd (not a dichotomy anymore) who enjoys said items, and if your special someone does too, then you’re going to want to enter the contest contained herein tout de suite, to use the language of love.

If you enter the contest and are selected, you will win a bounty of love-related geek swag that will be perfect for the discerning someone special in your life. (NOTE: You are entirely free to enter and just keep everything if you win; no one needs to know, and you’ll have a pile of awesome things to make you more attractive anyway.)

The giveaway consists of merch from three of our favorite places to obtain such articles: Sideshow Collectibles, ThinkGeek, and Her Universe. And they are:

Sideshow Collectibles

Wonder Woman Premium Format Figure

Watch as Jessica Chobot unboxes one of her very own:

Man of Steel: Superman Premium Format Figure


Plush Kitten Bouquet

Pixel Heart Heat Changing Mug

8-bit Treasure Chest

Her Universe

Star Wars LOVE Imperial Lounge Hoodie

Darth Vader Mod Ring

PLUS, a pair of sterling silver Nerdist earrings from the Nerdist Shop!

So, if this looks like the kind of thing you or the Valentine in your life would like, then be sure to enter this contest. Go to the Nerdist Valentine’s Day Contest entry form on Facebook, like us and then enter your email address. You just have to do it by midnight on Monday, February 16th, 2015. Now, yes, this means none of this will arrive before Valentine’s Day, but if you win, you’ll make up for the lateness by a huge amount. And that’s what the holiday is all about.

For Nerdist’s Standard Giveaway Rules, click here.

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  1. vanezza says:

    Yes please! What a great Valentine’s gift to myself.

  2. Carol Burgess says:

    I would really love this 

  3. Carey says:

    Cats! Cats! Cats! Cats! Meow =^_^=

  4. Heidi says:

    Happy Valentines Day! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  5. Martin says:

    WONDERWOMMEN winl you be my velentine

  6. Heather says:

    I’ll be honest, my husband would love most of this stuff more than I would, except for the earrings. Entered for him 😉

  7. anaam says:

    can we please have quicker loading videos…please switch to youtube videos.

  8. Jeannine says:

    I just love Chris Hardwick! Happy Valentines Day Chris 🙂

  9. Shannon R says:

    This would be so amazeballs!! *fingers crossed*

  10. Frances says:

    Love the Giveaway!!

  11. Ravensage says:

    I entered via email. But will not win as. it is “Open to legal residents of the fifty United States, who have reached the age of majority in the state of his / her residence at the time of entry.”

  12. Can we do multiple entries or is it a one time entry?

  13. Angelia says:

    I was a little more excited when I read Darth Vader mood ring.

  14. Derek says:

    Way too many “that’s what she said” opportunities in the video.

  15. Shane D says:

    Can we have a contest that doesn’t require a facebook account?

  16. NeuroMan42 says:

    Epic fail for requiring craptastic FB.

  17. lupe says:

    Wahoo! My niece would die for that WW. Entered!!

  18. Donald Almendarez says:

    I need some Geek Swag>